The Blue Sky is Always there

In today's fast paced world, we all try to pack in so much in our lives. Our personal, private & professional lives are all mashed up into a fine balance. We have many digital accounts, one's that must be updated with every moment of our lives, every bite & every sip of the most mundane things we consume. Every minute detail to be uploaded into the abyss that the Internet seems to be. Throughout the day, we juggle with responsibilities, unavoidable circumstances & impossibly confusing decisions.

We work hard the whole week, waiting for weekends to come by. And when they arrive, we feel like a burnt-out candle, just trying to get through the weekend, lazy-ing around. This goes on in an endless loop, for some. Whenever we to find a little time for ourselves, we continue to worry about the upcoming events of our life, instead of enjoying the present moment. We try to eat healthy & stay fit physically, well most of the time.
But at the core of this whirlwind called "Life" , is the Central Player, an organ, accounting for about  2% of our body weight. Yet it controls everything in the fraction of a second. If you haven't guessed it yet, it's your BRAIN !!

We all do most of the things I've mentioned above, some even more, loads. But that's just life for us, what we all have been doing since being born. While the Human Brain does what we can't even begin to imagine of, have you done anything for your brain recently ? Maybe a digital break, some soothing music, or just some well-deserved peace & quite for a few minutes ? Or have you, like most of us around the World, begun to feel trapped in your own Mind with endless thoughts & worries ?

With all that's going on in our lives, we need to give ourselves a break once every while. A little quiet in the ever-thinking mind might seem impossible at first, but thank fully there's a solution for almost everything these days.
Millions around the World are seeking help with their Mental Well-Being. People are flocking towards Meditation & Mindfulness practices, with the help of apps & classes offering them throughout the Globe. Many celebrities have claimed to benefit from them. There are many apps like Calm, Headspace, Buddhify, MindBody (Best Meditation Apps of 2018) and many more you can try for your benefit. I've personally used the Calm app & am currently using Headspace. Both are brilliant in their own regards <3

Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique, such as focusing their mind on a particular object, thought or activity, to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. Meditation may be used with the aim of reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and pain, and increasing peace, perception, self-concept, and well-being. Meditation is under research to define its possible health (psychologicalneurological, and cardiovascular) and other effects.
The concept of sitting still might seem uncomfortable, not knowing what to do or how to begin. Thankfully most programs & apps offer tutorial classes for beginners. It's easy, takes 10 minutes (that's like 1 % of the entire day) and  is simple to learn. Along with this, you can also try to take a break from your digital life every once in a while (difficult, but liberating), spend more quality time with family & friends (in real life, not Facebook !!)  and go for nature walks or retreats too. You owe it to yourself, and most importantly, to that brilliant Mind of yours.
Meditation is just a tool, a means to get you stated on this mindfulness journey. And don't worry, it has nothing to do with religion or dogma of any kind. It's just about being aware & thoughtful in life & making time for ourselves.

With Meditation & Mindfulness, we can slowly begin to feel better, become calmer, make conscious choices & achieve better mental health. Our thoughts, feelings, emotions, worries are but passing clouds in the clear Blue Sky, that is our Minds. No matter how many storms come, no matter how much dark, thunderous clouds appear, remember the Blue Sky will Always be There.

I hope you all have a Happy & Mindful week ahead. Until next time 😁


  1. Too good πŸ€—πŸ˜˜and feeling relaxed after reading it.


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