Disconnect to Re-connect

Hello, and welcome back dear readers to my Blog post. I apologize for not writing last week as I had promised, my computer system crashed suddenly, but thankfully all is well now.
Anyways, It has been one busy festive season at home. And while I'm still reeling back from the "indulgences", I am also preparing for the Diwali festival, that's almost arrived. PHEW!!

Ooh I love Taraji !!

Okay, so how good of a time did ya'll have ? Dressed up all in your fashionable clothing ? Decked up in all the finest jewelry ? Looking like the beautiful creatures that you are. And where/which places did you visit ? How many compliments did you get ? Oh, the list must be endless, I'm sure.
 But tell me, how much of it did actually register in your mind ? I'm asking about moments & memories of the times that have past, that you enjoyed mindfully. Or, like almost every other person on this planet, you too were caught up taking mindbogglingly ridiculous number of selfies , pictures & videos, one's you're probably not even gonna watch, just to post online ? Did you watch the flowers with your eyes, in all their magnificent colors, or just took a picture to post online instead ?  Did you even get to enjoy any cherished moments with you're loved ones, actually talk to them ? Or were you just engrossed with your phone, posting on social media at the fear of missing out (or FOMO, as most of you know) ?

Sound familiar ?? Well, such are our modern times. We are in dire need of what's called "Instant Gratification", all the time. Wherever we might be at, we feel the compulsion to take pictures, trap moments on our digital platforms, in hopes of media likes & updates. When someone likes our post, we feel a sense of achievement & happiness wash over us, giving us a weird pleasure from this entrapment of sorts. Sadly, most of us feel alone even in the midst of others, and social media serves as an almost alternate world to escape to.

You may not think of it so much now, but you will, if you were to pause & step back for a minute. Re-imagine the moment, without the constant need to reach for your phone. Unlike our previous generations, we seem to have forgotten to acknowledge what's right in front of us & instead, look for everything online. We should be looking at what's happening all around us mindfully, being aware, savoring each second being present.

So lets stop all of this digital porn, take a deep refreshing breath & actually be in the moment. Talk with your loved ones, instead of showing or taking pictures all the time. Enjoy the party or gathering, the food, the music & the company of people, the conversations, instead of constantly updating about your presence about being at one. Believe me, you'll remember their stories & memories more than anything. And, you'll feel so good, I guarantee you, after indulging in a chat with an actual person, rather than messaging on the internet with them. Of course, do take a picture or two, by all means, to remember the day by, so once in a while you can look back on it & smile fondly of the beautiful recollections stored in your memory.

And yes, do take a few moments out of your busy schedules, for Yourself. Have a relaxing time & listen to some good music, sip some tea or coffee, or do any activity that you enjoy. Leave your digital devices for a few moments, or hours if you can, to disconnect. And reconnect with yourselves & your loved ones. We all need to re-energize ourselves everyday, going through the fast & furious lives that we live in.

I don't know if you've watched the Bollywood movie "Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani", but there's an illuminating scene between the lead actors, wherein the heroine asks the hero, who's always in a rush, to sit down, watch & enjoy the sunset, instead of just letting it pass by. I think it also serves as a beautiful metaphor for our lives. To live each moment gratefully, not thinking of what's to come or what has passed us by. Rather, indulging ourselves fully in this second.
And while some of you may be scowling at me thinking its easier said than done, well I actually don't preach what I don't do/follow. I did take & post a lot fewer times (only after the festivities stopped) on social media this year, and I actually rather enjoyed myself. I have beautiful memories in my mind now, and not just in my phone. I felt more free, alive if you will, when I wasn't chained to my digital implements. And, as I was listening to what everyone was saying, engrossed in their festive banter, it made me feel grateful for being there, present in the moment. It gave me, the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO) !!

Henceforth, I encourage you all to practice mindfulness each day (meditation helps), stop & smell the roses, or coffee if you prefer, feel the dewy grass beneath your feet, and relish in this marvelous journey called Life, without any digital constraints.

Until next week, my treasured readers.......


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