
Welcome back dear readers, to my Blog post. Sorry for being MIA the last week, I was not well. I hope you've had an eventful week and are in the pink of health.

So, this week I wanted to write about a powerful yet controversial topic, the #MeToo movement.

The word "Me Too" was used as early as 2006, by an American social activist and community organizer, Tarana Burke. It was later popularized by American actress Alyssa Milano on Twitter in 2017, to draw attention to sexual harassment & assault faced by many.
Before we knew it, millions of women and men from all around the world starting sharing the hashtag on social media, and the movement started gaining momentum. High profile celebrities such as  Ellen DeGeneres, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lawrence, Ashley Judd, Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie and many more further shared the hashtag. This also resulted in what's known as the "Weinstein Effect"  now, a global trend where people came forward to accuse famous or powerful men, of sexual misconduct. It was a repercussion of the sexual abuse allegations against Harvey Weinstein, an American film producer & co-founder of the entertainment company Miramax. Following these allegations, he was dismissed from his own company & expelled from the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences, in October 2017. Many more cases followed suit after the dethronement of such a powerful man in Hollywood. A celebrated leading actor Kevin Spacey, notably from the House of Cards TV series, was also removed from the cast as the lead role. Thankfully, the series still continues without him. Following women, many men have also come forward with incidences of sexual abuse as well. And while these are just some of the people coming out with such allegations, many survivors still remain silent about their sufferings.

In India, the movement begun gaining speed, particularly with Bollywood actress Tanushree Dutta coming forward with sexual misconduct allegations against her co-workers. While many questioned her motives, having come out with them many years later than it happened, it was good to see a slew of high profile names supporting her in the cause. Some even blamed her for seeking publicity, but believe me, no one wants publicity in such a scarring nightmarish way. Sajid Khan, Vivek Agnihotri, Nana Patekar, and most recently, the disgraced "Sanskari Bapu" aka Alok Nath, have been facing some serious charges for their wrong doings. I was also pleasantly surprised, yet happy, to see that award-winning music director & singer, Anu Malik, was also removed as a jury member from Indian Idol 2018, airing on Sony Entertainment Televishion(SET) channel, following multiple sexual allegations against him. Perfectionist actor Aamir Khan has also refused to work with anyone involved with similar accusations, stating "its the least we can do", when asked about his decision in numerous interviews.

Although these stories have started coming to fore in the recent years, let's not forget, sexual misconduct has always been widespread. Many stayed silent at this unacceptable behavior, in dire need of work or money to feed their families, or out of utter fear. From the gentle nudge on your body in public transports to groping in malls or movies, seems the these abusers leave no chance wasted.  I would sadly bet, that there isn't a single woman who hasn't, at least once in her life, encountered sexual misconduct or abuse, at home or at the workplace. And surprisingly, its mostly by the people around them, whom they know already.  It is now, thankfully, that people have found a global platform to share their stories and get more support to speak out against it.

I heard a line on a TV series a few days back, something that really struck a chord within me. A female detective said, " There is a difference between submitting & consenting ", while investigating a possible rape case. Before this, I'd never thought about it.  Just because you submitted to a peck on the cheek or a some gentle snogging, doesn't mean you consented to sex !! There is a difference to it. There are boundaries that must be discussed, understood & respected, in any relationship. And this includes , but is not limited to, social, emotional, physical, mental as well as verbal boundaries.

Sadly, all this is just the tip of the iceberg. And while many stories are being shared throughout the globe, the problem is much bigger than it seems. Not every perpetrator is brought to justice, and many more ready to attack their next victim as time goes by. A large number of stories still go unheard. But what the survivors need the most, isn't your pity & shame, guilt, silence or cruel questions either. Its your unending support for them, for their cause against sexual harassment. Yes, they might have spoken much later about it, but that doesn't erase or fade the memory of it in any way. Sadly, it scars the person, shaping what they go on to become later in life, some not even making it so far.

While there maybe many reasons why people act the way they do, sexual misconduct is unjustifiable in any scenario. There is no reason good enough for someone to do that to another person, male or female. Call it social conditioning, patriarchy, entitlement or another term, it provides no consent to anyone who's unwilling for such abusive behavior, whether born out of anger, rage or just pure evil !! Its imperative, and about time, we learn about our social & physical boundaries with regards to another human being.
Be Kind, supportive & attentive to others. Age has nothing to do with abuse, it happens regardless of it.  Watch out for signs even at home, family & kids need to be made aware of these boundaries too. They have to understand what's appropriate and acceptable behavior, especially young kids & adults, who are the next generation.
When with someone, observe their body language, it will provide you with subtle hints regarding their subconscious thoughts. They may say what you want to hear in that moment, but their body language will give you clear clues what they aren't comfortable with. Do not coerce them into something they don't want to do. Nobody likes harassment, not even from their loved ones. Remember, Communication, as always, is KEY.

Lastly, stand up to these assailants & speak out. Don't ever be an enforcer of such behavior, in any case, small or big. Support the survivors with love, care and understanding. That's all they need, besides justice of course. This may all sound a bit daunting at first, but nothing compared to what the millions go through sadly, sometimes on a daily basis !! Though a lot more has yet to be done in terms of justice & laws regarding this subject, progress is still being made on some scale.

Lets all hope that in the near future, sexual harassment & misconduct will be much less prevalent, if not a thing of the past already. And with the voluntary support of everyone, the World shall be a Safer & Kinder place for all of us to coexist.

See you next week, my beloved readers.


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