Ordinary Miracle

Hi guys and welcome back to my Blog Post. I sincerely hope you all have been having a brilliant week so far. This week, I want to keep it light & short. I am just expressing my opinions, not giving any medical advice or anything else of sorts.

The last month of this year has begun, and soon year 2018 will be in the past. A sort of panic starts to set in within us all, parties & dinners to go to as the year comes to a close, struggling to fit into our favorite clothes. Christmas is my favorite time of the year, and New Years' is always a great opportunity for new beginnings.
Most of the resolutions made towards this time is to get fit and perhaps lose some weight. But before we know it, we've finished an entire plate of unhealthy food, stuffed ourselves up to our necks and already begun to contemplate doing the "fit thing" from next week, hopefully. Seems familiar, doesn't it ? We all do this from time to time, raise our hopes up so high just to bring them down. While scientists, nutritionist & fitness gurus have all reached a conclusion that a balanced healthy diet and a good exercise plan is as close to a Miracle possible for the human body. Truth be told, its always easier said than done, folks.

Research has proven that a person with a normal weight range should exercise for a minimum of 150 minutes per week, which is roughly 30 minutes for 5 days a week, and eat a balanced diet consisting of carbohydrates, proteins and fat (YES !! the healthy kind). Not only will this be good for your body, but also your brain as well. Exercise releases endorphins, the Happy Hormone, which gives us a feeling of contentment. And it is also the best stress buster. The endorphins reward the mind to do the same activity again. And following a balanced meal plan of loads of fresh fruits, veggies, nuts & seeds, lentils, pulses, legumes, and minimum dairy & animal products, fuels our bodies with the energy we need all day.

The above image  quotes the truth in our modern times. Most of us are either too tired or too low on time to exercise. Even fitting in 15 minute walks twice a day seems like a huge deal. But yet, we lay in front of the television for hours, or on the computer & cellphones browsing the net for what seem like eternity. And when we obviously begin to age and fall ill, we start to question why this happens. You will probably  have a few diseases was you grow old, but its not a certainty you see. Following a healthy lifestyle will at least ensure it is delayed, if not occurring sooner. And with the vast amount of exercise choices available these days for almost every time frame, its really not such a difficult thing to begin with. Playing sports also counts as exercise too, but not household work sadly.

So now, how to begin, is the question. And then, how to stay motivated as well. Well tell me something, do you ever think when your get up and start brushing you teeth in the  morning ? Actually no one does, we have the habit of doing it everyday. And exercising should be just like that, a habit. You rarely ever don't brush, so why should exercising be any different ? Its just about beginning, and perhaps not overthinking it, which will cause you to maybe give up before you even start. The same goes for a balanced diet as well, just with a few fries maybe sometimes !! Motivation helps you start, but runs out eventually. Its discipline that keeps you going in the long run.

 Lets try to walk before we run, you know. And before you know it, a healthy lifestyle will be be just that, your daily lifestyle. We all want and deserve to have happy and healthy lives. This is irregardless of shape, size, weight, color or creed. So give yourself a chance at that, do it for you and only you !! Because if YOU are happy, others around you will be too.

Hope you guys a great first week of December. See you all back soon....


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