Play that Beat

Hey readers, welcome back yet again to my weekly Blog post. If you're reading this, then I want to thank you from the bottom my heart. Your love and supports means more to me than you'll ever know.

I hope your week went great. How has your weekend been so far ? Anything interesting, comment below. And the mundane ones will do too.

Do you guys love music ? I know this is stupid question really, because I haven't ever heard anyone ever say they hate music. Whether it be classical, rock, pop, hip-hop, rap, jazz, blues, country, metal, punk, EDM or other genre, there one for everybody. I love a little bit of everything myself, although I do steer more towards pop, hip-hop and EDM.  What kind of music do you love ? Let me know in the comments.

This past week, my mood has been all over the place for some reason. And music has been my solace as always, my saving grace of sorts. When an artist croons over my headphones, its as if they've felt what I have been feeling in that moment. Music can be almost like the background score of your life really, if your imagination is as vivid as mine.

Over the years music and sounds have evolved and so have the musical instruments. Our perception of music itself has changed, hence the varied number of genres. What some perceive as music, others may call it just noise. So, its all open for interpretation.

And if you think music is good just for the ears, mood or soul, well then think again. A wide number of published studies have shown that music can have calming, revitalizing and even regenerating effects on the mind. When older subjects listened to music everyday, their brain cells functioned better and their memory capabilities improved significantly. They felt more happy and relaxed.
If you play an instrument, then even better. Playing a musical instrument has shown to light up different areas of your brain, suggesting activity in them. And it further improves your brain, eye and hand coordination.

Every type of music has different effects. Some may help you run that extra mile or do those last set of weights, while some can calm your anger and facilitate clear thinking. Some can block out the outside noise, and some can even take you to whole another level, all at once.

But perhaps my most favorite aspect of music, besides getting lost in it, is that it knows no boundaries. It is a form of expression that crosses barriers, borders, race, religion and every other partition possible. People form the opposite sides of the globe can love the same kind of music irregardless of who they may be or how the live their lives. Music really brings people together in times of need, celebration and almost every other scenario in Life !!

So go, put them headphones on, and groove to sound that beats into your heart.

Have a melodious week ahead everyone !!

*Listens to Zayn Malik's new album-Icarus Falls*


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